Wow, what a day.....
Yesterday I took part in the Handmade Bakery's Baking at Home course and it was Brilliant.
Dan and Matt led most of the course, and we all learned so much from their experience and knowledge. I came home with an enormous amount of bread, inspiration, excitement and a new apron (Bonus!).
We started the day with bread and butter and discussion about different techniques of bread making and introductions by the class. The class were very enthusiastic to learn to bake better, healthier bread and this enthusiasm only developed during the day as we made a white dough and granary dough by the sponge and dough method, a fruited and spiced dough and came home heavily laden with a baguette, a rosemary fougasse, white seeded rolls, granary rolls, a granary baton and two fruited loaves.
Am on a campaign to get Mr Hungry to let me book onto the next course in June......
Watch this space.
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