As supplies of Christmas chocolate dwindle so begins the inevitable return to the daily task of cooking for sustenance. Cripes. Have I forgotten how to do this?
So I turn to my old faithful friends the green vegetables- my favourite to turn to in times of culinary crisis.
I love cabbage, any kind of cabbage or related veg (including Sprouts- although I found a love for these later in life- if you hate sprouts try halving them and flash frying them in plenty of butter with a generous sprinkle of pepper. The memories of the mushy grey threat of school dinner sprouts will melt away in the face of these fresh nutty crunchy little morsels of yumminess! Give it a go- it might just change your view of the mini cabbage heroes.)
To give my daily cooking a kick start into the new year a big pan of green soup is on the go, taking advantage of the brilliantness of frozen veg too. I'm going for Onion, Garlic, Spinach, Brocoli, Mange Toutes and the new kid on the block but proving very popular Curly Kale. Yummers.
To go with the green soupy saviour I'm making some cornmeal muffins. Again these are real comfort food for me. My mum was a great believer in keeping up blood sugar levels and would always feed me when I got home from school (to this day my blood sugar is always at its lowest around 3pm and I feed myself a treat at this time of day to get me through the last couple of hours of work) and cornmeal muffins were a favourite. These are also very good for breakfast, alongside a poached egg and some crispy bacon. I love the grittiness of the cornmeal between my teeth.
To make the muffins;
Mix together 100g Plain Flour, 100g Cornmeal, 1 tablespoon Baking Powder, 75g Grated Cheese, Seasoning (i've used Smoked Paprika and Wholegrain Mustard). Add to this 300ml Milk, 50ml Olive Oil (or melted Butter), and 2 Eggs. Mix quickly and pour into 6 large muffin tins. Bake at gas 7 for 20 mins.
Pop open and spread with butter while still warm. Divine.
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