These are so yummy, can be squidgy on the inside and crunchy on the outside or crisp and crunchy all the way through for dunking into strong espresso. Yummers.
I'm a fan of under-cooking these, they end up not unlike brownie but with a munchiness....
Mix together 200g Plain Flour, 60g Cocoa, 150g Caster Sugar, 60g Dark Choc (either grated or blitzed to a chunky powder), 3/4 tsp Baking Powder, 1/2 tsp Salt, 1 tsp Vanilla Extract, 100g Blanched Almonds, 3 Med Eggs. This will make a craggy stiff dough. Don't over mix- craggy is good (the ones in the picture have been too mixed and look too neat on their crust). Roll this roughly into two sausages, glaze with 1 Egg Yolk mixed with 1 tbsp Milk, and bake at gas 4 for 25mins.
Allow to cool a little before cutting into slices (thick slices will make a brownie-ish texture, thinner slices will make a crunchier product). Lay the slices out on a baking tray and dry out a little more (roughly 15mins at gas 3 turning once).
I've drizzled these with a little melted white choc for a bit of extra razmatazz- yet another Scoffin Filler brought to you from the Hungry Kitchen.