So, the Hungry Boy has been loving his baby rice for a few days and its time to progress to purees. I know there's a lot of trendy talk about baby led weaning and baby finger food but the Hungry Boy is starting a bit early and I think we'll wait to introduce finger foods. He's already proven to be like his parents by having a massive appetite, so I'm not worried about him not developing a healthy love of great foods in their proper form (no boy of mine will be turning his nose up at Broccoli or Cabbage! (She says optimistically!)), but just not quite yet.
Also, there's a surprising and special joy about little cubes of frozen purees, all stacked in neatly labelled bags in the freezer. Strange but true.
So far his firm favourite seems to be Pear and Parsnip for breakfast, but he has also had Carrot, Apple, Swede, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potato, all with great success.
An exciting start to a Big Foodie Adventure!
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